[摘要] 教育贵在有疑,语文教学尤其如此。“以问定教”的课堂模式是结合我国语文的实际和学生学习的实际的,是激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生学习能力的课堂教学模式。本文以语文新课程标准提出的基本理念为指导,以“以问定教”的课堂实录为基础,从“以问定教”的内涵、“以问定教”的理论基础、操作策略三个方面对新课程标准下“以问定教”的实施进行研究,并阐述了其对笔者今后教学的启示。
[关键词] 以问定教;疑问;启发;新课程标准
[Abstract] Education should be suspect, especially Chinese teaching. "To ask for teaching" classroom mode according to our country's language is practical and students' learning the actual is to stimulate students' interest, improve the students' learning ability of classroom teaching mode. This paper put forward the new curriculum standard Chinese basic idea guidance, "ask for teaching" classroom factual records as the foundation, from "to ask for teaching" connotation, "to ask for teaching" theory basis, operation strategy, three aspects of the new curriculum standard "to ask for teaching" the implementation of research, and expounds the to the author of the enlightenment for the future teaching.
[Key words] To ask for teaching; Suspicious ; Inspire; New curriculum standard