关键词: 家长 消费教育 幼儿 观念
Abstract:This study understands and describes the characteristic of the concept of consumer education parent to young children by questionnaire and interview , providing the basis for us to show the current status of family and children survival .At the same time , according to the analysis ,the author divides the concept of consumer education of parents to young children into four types :conscious and guiding type ,conscious but no guiding type, no consciousness but guiding type and no consciousness and no guiding type ; the author also analyze weather different elements have effect on the formation of different type ,the results showed that sex of parent and young children have no obvious effect on the formation of different types ; the level of family income might have certain effect, but there is no direct link; child’s age have direct effect on the formation of different types, that is to say, the older the child, the more attention the parents pay to the children’s consumer education and the more guidance in the daily life. Finally, the author give comments and suggestions on parent on the basis of their different types of consumer education .
Key words:parent of a child , consumer education , children , concept.