摘 要:随着我国学前教育的不断发展,人们对于幼儿园教师和幼儿园全面教育认识的逐渐加深,男性教师在幼儿园教育中的作用越来越受到社会的关注。本次研究选择从幼儿园女教师这一角度进行调查,本论文主要从幼儿园男教师自身价值认定学历和专业的期望,岗位分析;男教师应具备的专业技能;特殊技能期望;其他职业相关素质期望和男教师交际能力,个性心理素质期望等五方面进行调查。再对调查得到的结果从以下两方面进行分析:(1)幼儿园女教师对男教师男性特质的期望与高校男生培养体系之间的差异分析:从目前高校培养体系存在一定的性别倾向入手 。(2)对准幼儿园男教师专科型岗位定位与学前教育专业培养体系要求的差异进行分析:从对男教师应该如何进行岗位定位入手 。最后根据思考而得出对幼儿园男教师在课程体系和目标定位方面做出相应改革等方面的思考和建议。
Abstract:With the continuous development of preschool education in China, people for the kindergarten teachers and kindergarten comprehensive knowledge education gradually deepened, the role of male teachers in kindergarten education more and more get the attention of society. This study choose from kindergarten teacher this Angle, this thesis mainly from kindergarten male teachers own value recognized academic and professional expectation, job analysis; Male teachers should have professional skills; Special skills; Other career related quality expectations and male teachers' communicative competence, and so on five aspects to investigate personality psychological quality expectations. To survey results were analyzed from the following two aspects: (1) the kindergarten teacher expectations of male teachers masculine and variance analysis between university boys training system: from the cultivation system in colleges and universities there is a gender tendency of (2) aimed at kindergarten male teachers college post positioning and differences in preschool education professional training system requirements analysis: from the position orientation of male teachers should how to do it. According to the thinking that the kindergarten male teachers in curriculum system and target of thinking and suggestion to make the corresponding reform.
Keywords: the kindergarten male teachers;female teachers;quality analysis