关键词 天津港;现代物流;发展路径与对策
Abstract:With the rise of modern logistics in the global core, port logistics hub increasingly prominent, Tianjin Port initiative to adapt to the needs of the development of this situation, improve the port terminal capacity at the same time, continue to expand the port, the construction of a logistics center,improve the core competitiveness of the port, and comprehensively improve the efficiency and cost of operation of the port, the logistics truly become the core competitiveness of Tianjin Port resources. Economic globalization and China's economic development, and promote China's main hub port to the development of modern logistics and global resource allocation direction. Tianjin Port cut body and an important strategic resources as the core of the Binhai New Area, an important node as a modern logistics system in recent years, according to their own geographical advantages, the economic environment continues to accelerate port logistics process, and actively expand the port logistics function the development of modern logistics industry in Tianjin, the Bohai Sea region and even the entire northeast Asian modern logistics system plays an important role.
Through an overview of the development trend of modern logistics understanding and analysis of the current situation and existing problems of Tianjin port logistics. Organic theory applied to real path analysis in the development of modern logistics and countermeasures to promote the rapid and stable development of modern logistics in Tianjin Port.
Keywords: TianjinPort ModernLogistics Development path and Countermeasures
天津作为我国北方最大的港口城市,发展现代物流具有得天独厚的优势和良好的基础条件,地处环渤海中心,是重要的港口城市,也是目前国内最大的能源港,同时也是国内中西部地区交通的集结点及蒙古国重要的出海口,腹地广阔,辐射14个省、市、自治区240万平方公里的范围。作为亚欧大陆桥的最佳桥头堡,通道最多、距离最短。天津港现在已经拥有各类泊位140个, 50多条国际班轮航线,国际航线170条,与世界上一百多个国家和地区的300多个港口通航。到2010年,天津港货物吞吐量突破4亿吨,集装箱吞吐量达到1000万标准箱,港口等级达到30万吨级,成为功能完善、设施先进、管理科学、文明环保的现代化国际深水港。因此,天津完全有能力、有条件在物流领域有大的发展。