本课题主要是研究从番茄中提取番茄红素的工艺技术,以有机溶剂浸提番茄红素。进行了单因素试验,通过在常压下,使用不同的有机溶剂、不同的料液比、不同的温度、不同的pH环境、不同的浸提时间以及次数,从而可以得到最优的番茄红素的提取率。本文优化了番茄红素的提取工艺,以苏丹红一号作标准曲线,单因素试验避免了水平选择的盲目性,缩短了实验时间。结果表明,实验得出以乙酸乙酯为溶剂,料液比1:3,40℃温度,pH为6,提取时间是60min,提取次数为两次的条件下,可得到最佳提取率。稳定性试验结果表明,热、碱对番茄红素稳定性的影响不显著;酸、金属离子( Fe3+ , Cu2+ )、日光、对番茄红素稳定性有显著的破坏作用。采用羟基自由基和DPPH法对番茄红素的抗氧化活性进行了评价,结果表明当番茄红素浓度达到40μg/mL时,对羟基自由基的清除率达到67.22%,其浓度达到100μg/mL时,对DPPH的清除率达到63.45%。
关键词 番茄红素;有机溶剂;稳定性;抗氧化性
Abstract:Lycopene is an important natural carotenoids, it has the function ofvarious health cares, such as resisting cancer, increasing the immunity anddeferring decrepitude etc. As a potential functional natural colorant, moreand more people pay attention to it.
The main subject of the article is to study the extraction technology of lycopene from tomato with organic solvent. The atmospheric pressure, the use of different organic solvents, different material liquid ratio, different temperature, different pH environments, different extraction time and times, they can obtain the optimal extraction of lycopene rate. The article optimize the lycopene extraction process and the standard curve is Sudan I. Single-factor test to avoid blindness level and shorten the experimental time. The result shows that the optimum extraction conditions are as follows: organic solvent is ethylacetate, ratio of materia-liquid is 1:3, extraction temperature is 40℃, extraction pH is 6, extraction time is 60 minutes and extract twice. At this optimum condition, the productivity of lycopene is the best. The result also shows that lycopene is stable to temperature,and alkali. However, it is sensitive to acid, metalion ( Fe3+ , Cu2+ ) and sunlight. The antioxidant activity of lycopene was evaluated by hydroxyl radical and DPPH method. The results showed that when the concentration of lycopene on 40μg/mL, the hydroxyl radical clearance rate reach to 67.22 percent, the concentration on l00μg/mL, DPPH clearance rate reach to 63.45 percent.
Keywords lycopene organic solvent stability anti-oxidative