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摘要:对金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum L.)、狐尾藻(Myriophyllumverticillatum)、穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)、菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、等四种常见沉水植物可食用部分的基本营养成分(包括水分、总糖、粗纤维、灰分、抗坏血酸、蛋白质、脂肪、亚硝酸盐及部分矿质元素)进行了分析测定,测得水分(88.73%~94.37%)、总糖(0.87%~1.31%)、粗纤维(1.25%~3.68%)、灰分(0.002%~0.014%)、抗坏血酸(7.67mg/100g~66.86 mg/100g)、蛋白质(0.231%~1.791%)、脂肪(0.0365%~0.6947%)、亚硝酸盐(0.474 mg/kg ~2.134 mg/kg)及部分矿质元素(Cu(22.7ug/g~38.0 ug/g),Fe(12.39 ug/g ~39.26 ug/g),Ca(1000 ug/g ~3000 ug/g),Mn(76.23 ug/g ~12.16 ug/g),Zn(5.348 ug/g ~8.234 ug/g)等。为了解其营养价值, 以期进一步开展对沉水藻类的开发利用提供科学参考。



Abstract: The hornworts ( scientific name: Ceratophyllum demersum L. ), Myriophyllum spicatum ( Myriophyllumverticillatum ), Honoka ( Myriophyllum spicatum L ), Potamogeton crispus ( Potamogeton crispus ), four kinds of common heavy who plants the edible part of the basic nutrients ( including moisture content(88.73%~94.37%),totalsugar(0.87%~1.31%),crudefiber(1.25%~3.68%),ash(0.002%~0.014%),ascorbicacid(7.67mg/100g~66.86mg/100g),protein(2.31%~17.91%),fat(0.0365%~0.6947%), nitrite(0.474 mg/kg ~2.134 mg/kg) and some mineral elements(Cu(22.7ug/g~38.0 ug/g),Fe(12.39 ug/g ~39.26 ug/g),Ca(1000 ug/g ~3000 ug/g),Mn(7.623 ug/g ~12.16 ug/g),Zn(5.348 ug/g ~8.234 ug/g) ) were analyzed and determined, clarify its nutritional value, in order to further the development and utilization of the sinking algae provide scientific reference.

Key words: hornwort Myriophyllum; nutrition; Honoka; Ceratophyllum demersum; Potamogeton crispus