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  • 课题来源:(飞舞的丝带)提供原创文章


摘 要:以新鲜南瓜为原料,分别研究了真空干燥、冷冻干燥、喷雾干燥及挤压膨化技术四种不同干燥工艺对南瓜粉营养特性和功能性的影响,实验考查了不同加工工艺处理南瓜粉中的多糖、类胡萝卜素、可溶性蛋白、可溶性膳食性纤维、羟基自由基的清除率及南瓜粉成品的水分活度及复水率的变化,重点考察挤压膨化过程中物料水分含量因素的影响,确定最佳挤压膨化工艺。结果表明,挤压膨化工艺的最佳水分含量为15%,最佳加工工艺为喷雾干燥,测得多糖、可溶性膳食纤维、可溶性蛋白、类胡萝卜素含量及羟基自由基清除率、水分活度、复水率分别为813.63 mg/g、90.835 mg/g、0.210mg/g、80.21µg/g、85.67%、0.147、78.158%。

关键词  真空干燥;喷雾干燥;冷冻干燥;挤压膨化;南瓜


Abstract:The fresh pumpkin raw materials, research vacuum drying, freeze drying, spray drying and extrusion technology four different drying process were measured pumpkin powder nutritional properties and functional class pumpkin carrot prime, polysaccharides, soluble protein, soluble dietary fiber, hydroxyl radical scavenging rate and finished pumpkin powder, water activity and rehydration rate as the evaluation index, the focus of the material in the extrusion process humidity factors to determine the optimum drying processes. The results show that the optimal technological conditions were the material moisture 15%, the optimal technological conditions is spray drying, the pumpkin powder spray drying conditions is the measured polysaccharides, soluble dietary fiber, soluble protein, carotenoid content and hydroxyl radical scavenging, water activity, rehydration rate were 813.63 mg/g, 90.835 mg/g, 0.210 mg/g, 80.21 μg/g, 85.67%, 0.147, 78.158%.

Keywords  vacuum drying  spray drying  freeze drying  extrusion  pumpkin