摘要:本论文以大蒜叶绿体16S rRNA基因序列为分析对象,探讨大蒜的分子分类地位。利用PCR方法扩增获得大蒜叶绿体16S rRNA基因序列,送生物公司测序,拼接获得序列,将序列提交到GenBank数据库,序列登录号是JF719286。利用大蒜和GenBank中已有的叶绿体16S rRNA基因相关序列构建系统发育树,进行分子演化分析。实验结果表明,大蒜的叶绿体16Sr RNA基因与龙舌兰科和薯蓣科的物种序列相似度高。本文对分子水平植物的分类、鉴定提供了方法参考。
关键词:大蒜;叶绿体;16S rRNA;鉴定
Abstract:In the paper, chloroplast 16S rRNA gene sequence of Allium sativum were taken as target, to investigate the molecular taxonomic status of Allium sativum . Chloroplast 16S rRNA gene sequence of Allium sativum were amplified with PCR,and were sequenced in biotech Company, then gene sequence by ligation.The accession number of the sequence in Genbank is JF719286.Phylogenetic tree were constructed with chloroplast 16S rRNA gene sequence of Allium sativum and its related sequences in GenBank,conducted analysis of molecular evolution.The result shows, Allium sativum is related to families of Agavaceae and Dioscoreaceae.This study provides reference data for further research of classification and appraisal of plants in molecular level.
Keywords: Allium sativum; Chloroplast; 16S rRNA; Identification