摘要:本文以灰树花为原料,采用复合酶法提取灰树花多糖并对其进行抗氧化的研究。本实验先分别研究了料液比、用酶量、酶解温度、酶解时间、酶解pH 5个单因素对灰树花多糖提取率的影响,再设计进行正交试验,取得最佳工艺条件。根据结果表明,在液料比1:20、用酶量3%、酶解温度37℃、酶解pH 7.5、酶解3h的情况下,可获得最大提取率8.91%。利用提取得到的灰树花多糖进行抗氧化研究,测定其对超氧自由基的清除率,结果显示,灰树花多糖的抗氧化能力会随着多糖质量浓度的升高而增强,但总体抗氧化作用弱于VC。
关键词 灰树花;多糖;酶法提取;抗氧化
Abstract:This paper was about polysaccharide extraction from Griflola frondosas by enzyme method and study on the antioxidant of extracts. Griflola frondosas was the raw material. Five single factors which may influence the extraction rate were studied, they were liquid ratio, amount of enzyme, enzymatic hydrolysis temperature, time and pH. According to the results of the single factor tests, orthogonal tests were designed. At last, we obtained the optimum process as followed: enzyme dosage 3%, hydrolysis time 3h, temperature 37℃, pH 7.5, under these conditions, we could get 8.91% extraction rate. Antioxidant experiment results indicated that Griflola frondosa polysaccharide had superoxide radical scavenging capability. The antioxidant capability would increased with the increase of polysaccharide concentration, but it was weaker than Vc.
Keywords Griflola frondosas Polysaccharide Enzymatic extraction Anti-oxidation