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ABSTRACT:This research combines with the method of literature, questionnaire method, interview method, from students value degree of extracurricular physical exercises, participation motive, sports with apparatus, investigate and analysis the condition of students' extracurricular physical exercises in Mangshi No.1 senior school, from the student’ different attention, their participational motives, space and equipments, space and equipments to extracurricular physical exercises the shortage of developmental condition of students' extracurricular physical exercises is found,for instance, students don't pay attention to physical exercises, simple crude sports ground ,equipments cant meet the needs of students,leaders of school don't pay attention to students' extracurricular physical exercises and so on, so this research give some suggestions , for instance, students should be encouraged to take part in extracurricular physical exercises, sports ground and equipments should be increased, school should give students enough time to do exercises and so on. The research will provide certain reference for development of students' extracurricular physical exercises in Mangshi No.1 senior school.

Keywords: Mangshi No.1 senior school;extracurricular physical exercises;status quo


   课外体育活动是指课前、课间和课后在校内进行的,以全体学生为对象,以保健操、健身活动为主要内容,以班级为基本组织单位,以满足广大学生多种身心需要为目的,促进学生身体、心理和社会适应能力和谐发展的体育锻炼活动,主要包括课间操、学校课余体育训练、学校课余体育竞赛、课外体育锻炼等[1]。课外体育锻炼不仅是学校实施素质教育不可缺少的重要组成部分,而且还是学校体育的重要组成部分。课外体育锻炼有助于增强学生的体育兴趣,有利于良好的生活习惯的养成,减轻学习带来的心理压力,提高学习效率,并且还可以形成良好的校园氛围。国家教委在《学校体育工作条例》、《中学生体育合格标准》中明确规定的“必须保证学生每天有一小时体育活动时间;中学生参加课外体育活动每周不少于两次。”[2]要实现这一目标,课外体育锻炼无疑是每天锻炼一小时的重要阵地。但目前许多中学课外体育锻炼普遍存在着重视不够、疏于管理、锻炼方式陈旧等现象,学校必须加强对课外体育的宏观指导,加强活动的计划性,合理配置学校有限的体育资源,并且尽可能为学生提供更多的场地、器材设施,使课外体育锻炼能健康有序的进行。芒市第一中学目前的课外体育锻炼活动中存在着很多不完善的地方,如场地器材的缺乏、开展形式单一、当前开展的项目不能够激发学生的运动兴趣、缺乏体育教师的指导等,本文采用了文献资料法 、问卷调查法等研究方法,对芒市第一中学课外体育锻炼活动进行调查和分析,发现其中的问题并提出改进建议,为芒市第一中学课外体育锻炼活动的开展提供参考。