关键词:同性恋 态度 隐性歧视
Abstract:In order to know the basic attitude of the university students towards homosexuality groups,I will compare the present study results with the previous ones, find their differences, and explore the reasons. Random sampling network survey method is used to the university students.These results show that supporters of homosexuality come mainly from the college students, reaching 61.8% in the whole supporters. Among those supportive students the amount of girls is larger than that of boys, which shows there exists significant differences between both genders.The Internet is the main channel to obtain information about homosexuality,accounted for 81.0%.79.8% of the homosexuality supporters are in favor of legalization of gays' marriage. As a result,we can draw a conclusion that, altough college students have tolerant attitude to homosexuality groups, but invisible discrimination still exists, with the traditional morals of China concerned.
Keywords:homosexuality;attitude;implicit discrimination