[摘要] 本研究采用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)和成就动机量表(AMS),考察了XX学院365名大学生的父母教养方式和成就动机的现状及其关系。结果表明: ⑴XX学院大学生父母教养方式存在显著的性别差异。⑵XX学院大学生成就动机水平存在显著的年级差异。⑶父亲情感温暖、理解因子,父亲过度保护因子与追求成功存在显著正相关;父亲惩罚、严厉因子,父亲过分干涉因子,父亲拒绝、否认因子和父亲过度保护因子与避免失败存在显著正相关;父亲情感温暖、理解因子与成就动机总分存在显著正相关;父亲惩罚、严厉因子,父亲拒绝、否认因子和父亲过度保护因子与成就动机总分存在显著负相关。⑷母亲温暖、理解因子和母亲过干涉、过保护因子与追求成功存在显著正相关;母亲过干涉、过保护因子,母亲拒绝、否认因子和母亲惩罚、严厉因子与避免失败存在显著正相关;母亲温暖、理解因子与成就动机总分存在显著正相关;母亲拒绝、否认因子与成就动机总分存在显著负相关。
[关键词] 大学生;父母教养方式;成就动机
[Abstract] In this study, the Egma Minnen av Bardndosnauppfprstran (EMBU) and Achievement Motivation Scale (AMS), studied 365 the achievement motivation levels of the college students and the current situation of parental rearing style and their relationships. The results showed: ⑴There are significant gender differences in level of parental rearing style.⑵There are significant grade differences in level of achievement motivation. ⑶Father's warmth, understanding and father overprotection and the pursuit of success scores were significantly positively correlated; father's rearing of punishment factor, and rejection, denial factor and to avoid failure of the scores were significantly negatively correlated. Father's warmth, understanding and achievement total scores were significantly positively correlated; father's rearing of punishment factor, and rejection, denial factor and overprotection and achievement total scores were significantly negatively correlated. ⑷Mother's warmth, understanding and mother overprotection and the pursuit of success scores were significantly positively correlated; mother's rearing of punishment factor, and rejection, denial factor, and overprotection and to avoid failure of the scores were significantly negatively correlated. Mother's warmth, understanding and achievement total scores were significantly positively correlated; mother's rearing of rejection, denial factor and achievement total scores were significantly negatively correlated.
[Key words] College Students; Parental Rearing Pattern; Achievement Motivation