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摘 要:目的:本研究运用沙盘游戏疗法,通过对藏族大学生男女、汉族大学生男女以及藏族汉族大学生沙盘的对比,寻找他们的差异,并且总结出藏族汉族大学生沙盘中蕴含的主要情结类型。方法:选取西北民族大学榆中校区自愿参加沙盘游戏的60名汉藏大学生,对他们的沙盘进行记录、对比、分析。结果:①在沙具类型数量的选用上,汉族大学生男女不存在显著差异;藏族大学生男女在植物、家具和生活用品、交通运输工具方面的沙具使用数量上存在显著差异;在不同民族的沙具类型数量的选用上,汉族大学生和藏族大学生在交通运输工具数量上存在显著差异。②从所收集到的沙盘作品中我们归纳出四种主要的情结类型,即俄狄浦斯情结、自卑情结、恋家情结和宗教情结,前三种情结汉藏不存在显著差异,第四种情结藏族显著高于汉族。结论:①从汉族大学生的沙盘来看,男女生的沙具使用不存在显著差异;从藏族大学生的沙盘来看,男女生在植物、家庭生活用品、交通运输工具方面的沙具使用存在显著差异;从汉藏大学生的沙盘来看,汉藏大学生在交通运输工具方面的沙具使用存在显著差异。②本次沙盘游戏作品中,俄狄浦斯情结、自卑情结、恋家情结上藏汉差异不显著,但在宗教情结上,藏汉大学生表现出显著差异。

关键字    沙盘游戏疗法,情结类型,大学生


ABSTRACT:Objectives: At first, the male and female Sino-Tibetan undergraduates and the male and female Han undergraduates as well as the Sino-Tibetan and Han undergraduates do Sandplay. Secondly, from the results of Sandplay, this paper used Sandplay to look for their differences and to summarize the chief types of complex that was contained in the Sandplay. The method: The author chose 60 the Sino-Tibetan undergraduates and the Han undergraduates who come from the Yuzhong campus of the Northwest University for Nationalities. They volunteered to take part in the Sandplay. The author recorded, contrasted and analyzed their results. The results: 1.The female and male Han undergraduates have few differences in choosing the types of the tools of Sandplay. Boys and girls of the Sino-Tibetan undergraduates have sharp differences in plants, furniture, household items and transportation. The Sino-Tibetan undergraduates and the Han undergraduates have significant differences in choosing the number of transportation. 2. The author summarized four types of complex from the Sandplay. They are Oedipus complex, inferiority complex, nostalgia and religious complex. In the first three complexes there are few differences in the Sino-Tibetan undergraduates and the Han undergraduates. The fourth type of complex that is the Sino-Tibetan undergraduates are taller than the Han undergraduates. The conclusions: 1.The Han undergraduates including boys and girls have a few differences in using tools of Sandplay. According to the Sino-Tibetan undergraduates, we see that boys and girls have significant differences in plants, furniture, household items and transportation. From the Sandplay, we can see that the Sino-Tibetan undergraduates and the Han undergraduates have significant differences in transportation. 2. From the Sandplay, the Sino-Tibetan undergraduates have few differences in Oedipus complex, inferiority complex and nostalgia except for religious complex.

Key words: Sandplay, The types of complex, College students