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摘 要:近年来,我国食品行业危机不断,阜阳奶粉事件、三鹿奶粉事件,双汇火腿事件,特别是最近的肯德基45天速成鸡等食品危机丑闻曝光。一石激起千层浪,问题的出现让全社会反思食品企业的危机管理。当前,中国的大多是食品企业并没有什么危机管理能力和意识,往往是能瞒就瞒,瞒不过去了才想到补救,殊不知企业和品牌的形象已经在消费者心中大打折扣。严重的甚至公司破产倒闭。因此,从失败的食品危机管理的案例中反思企业问题,完善政府监督机制,是现阶段食品企业和相关政府监管部门首要解决的问题。


   说明了“中国食品企业危机管理”论题的研究意义,国内和国外研究文献的综述以及本论文研究的主要内容。危机管理理论概述。危机管理的概念和分类、危机管理的基本原则。 分析我国食品企业危机管理的现状以及产生的原因。从危机前,危机中,危机后三个方向提出食品企业危机应对的方法。肯德基“45天速成鸡事件”中的企业危机案例分析。首先对肯德基“45天速成鸡事件”进行回顾,对危机中肯德基麦当劳的应对,危机后的弥补措施进行剖析,总结案例得出的经验。最后对文章研究成果进行总结,同时,客观求是的指出一些研究的不足之处。

关键词: 食品危机;危机管理;食品企业


Abstract:In recent years,food industry crisis and sandal happened a lot,such as “Buyang”milk powder crisis, “Sanlu”milk powder crisis,especially KFC “45 days quickly grown chicken”all exposed to the public and media,which brought about bad influence and wide attraction in the whole food industry.However,most of Chinese food companies did not put enough attention on crisis management and avoided or lied to the customers and media.The consequence is obvious and painful,consumers never trusted the brand,some companies even went bankrupt.In a word,crisis management is of great importance to every company.

   This article has seveal levels to discuss the topic:

   Firstly,it summarized the background and meaning of the study,the research scholars have already made both in China and in western countries.

   Secondly,it summarized the theory of the crisis management,what is crisis management,the classification of it and the basic principals of the crisis management.

   Thirdly,Analyze the reason why so many food industry crisis in resent years,and current conditions of Chinese food companies dealing with food crisis.

    Fourthly, put forward food crisis dealing ways from three stages ,before crisis,in the middle of crisis and after crisis.

   Fifthly,according to KFC 45 days quickly-grown chicken crisis example,we analyze the area KFC did wrong ,finally proved the crisis dealing model is necessary and correct.From the unsuccessful incident,we learned the importance of the crisis management and use scientific knowledge and methods to solve it!

   Last,we concluded the research achievements,and pointed out area we needs improving in the future.

Key words: Crisis Management;Food Enterprises ;Food crisis