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   本研究通过运用问卷调查和个案访谈的方法, 从群体意识、价值观念、行为模式、生活方式等方面,对XX市新城南都社区居民进行了调查并得出相应的分析结果。调查结果显示,居民对社区的服务、治安、环境卫生、文娱活动、体育设施都呈现比较满意的程度,其中对社区环境卫生的满意度最高;在参与社区文娱体育活动的情况上,社区居民普遍参与度较低,并呈现参与意愿不高的情况,并且参加活动主体大多数为老年人,社区居民大部分扮演观众的角色;在与邻居、社区居委会的关系上看,调查结果显示社区居民平时交往对象大多为家人、朋友、同事,而邻里之间比较不相熟悉,出现纠纷频率较少,但也并非没有;在价值观念方面,社区居民呈现较为一致的集体主义价值观念。最后,本文根据新城南都社区文化建设方面出现的问题,提出相应建议。



Abstract:As the city of the cells, the community is closely related to people's lives, and community culture construction has become an important part of the construction of community. This study is a case study of Community Xinchengnandu in Changzhou, based on the related scholars' theories and the concept we get true information by questionnaire survey to reflect the real cultural construction in Community Xinchengnandu, to study the highlighted problems of the community and put forward the author's idea, and then discuss how to develop community culture as a new community.

    Through the questionnaire survey and the interview method ,we did the investigation and draw the relevant analysis from the inhabitants in Community Xinchengnandu in the terms of the group consciousness, values, behavior patterns and the life style .According to the results of the survey, inhabitants are more satisfied with the present degree for the community service, public security, environmental health, recreational activities, sports facilities, and community environment health satisfaction is the highest; Community participation in community entertainments and sports activities is generally lower, and willingness to participate is not high, and most participation in activities are the elderly, the most community inhabitants play the role of the audience; In the relationship with the neighbors and the community, the results show that the community inhabitants association mostly is the family,friends, colleagues at ordinary times, and they are not familiar with each other,thus quarreling appears less frequency though still has; In the concept of value, the community residents are consistent on the collective socialist values. Finally, according to the Community Xinchengnandu culture construction problems, we put forward the corresponding proposal. 

Key words : community culture;community culture construction