[摘要] 笔者主要以中国、美国、加拿大及少数其他国家的非同性恋者(异性恋者)为研究对象,对比中西方对同性恋及同性婚姻的接受度,进行了调查分析。同性恋在自古以来就是不可漠视的一种社会现象,但由于社会道德传统等问题,这类群体总是处在灰暗的阴影下。而随着社会的发展,人们的思想和行为都越来越开放,同性恋这类群体也渐渐被一些国家接受,在经过漫长的思想解放(同性恋群体游行等)后,同性婚姻也成为了社会关注的一个重点,2001年荷兰的法律肯定,更是为同性恋人提供了一个有力的保障,但是,就中国而言,同性恋者乃至是同性婚姻还是在很大程度上是不能被接受的。就其中西方的差异,本文对此作了探讨。本文以问卷调查和访谈相结合的方式以中国、加拿大、美国和少数其他国家的人群为研究对象,以相同的问题寻求中西方在同性恋和同性婚姻问题上的不同,笔者从同性恋和同性婚姻两个大方向出发,以社会对此的总看法为基础,以理论和法律知识为支撑,致力于探究社会以有色眼镜看待这类群体的原因,从而为同性恋群体争取平等的权益和正常的生活环境,借鉴西方在这方面的发展,使更多的人关注这类群体并给予帮助。
[关键词] 中西方; 同性恋; 同性婚姻; 接受度; 对比
[Abstract] This paper mainly researches on the no gay (heterosexual) in China, the Unites States, Canada, and a few other countries, and makes investigation by contrasting the acceptance of gay and same-sex marriage between Chinese and western countries. Gay has been a common social phenomenon ever since. But this kind of people is always in the shadow of the gloomy because of the social moral tradition. Along with the development of society, people’s thinking and behavior are more and more open, gays are gradually be accepted by some countries. Same-sex marriage has become the social attention after the long though liberation (gay groups’ marches). And the Netherlands legal affirmation in 2001 has become a strong security for gays. But regarding China, gay and same-sex marriage are not acceptable in a large part here. This paper discusses the difference between China and the west, takes China, Canada, the United States and a few other countries as research objects to seek the difference on the subject of gay and same-sex marriage between China and the west based on the combination of the questionnaire and interviews. And the paper starts from the two directions which are gay and same-sex marriage, explores the reason why the gays are discriminated based on the foundation of social view and the support of theory and knowledge of the law, in order to fight for equality rights and interests and normal living environment for gays. Meanwhile, the paper will help to make more people pay attention to such group and do favor by taking the development of this aspect in the west countries as a reference.
[Key words] Chinese and western homosexuality; Same-sex marriage; Acceptance; Contrast