摘 要:中国公务员考试整整走过了20年,热度越来越高,但离开公务员队伍的人也不在少数,公务员“围城”现象已成为当今社会非常普遍的一种现象,由此映射出很多发人深省的社会问题。文章将对我国公务员“围城”现象进行全面的概述,并对其成因做出初步分析,在理论探究的基础上就解决这个社会问题提出建议。这对于我们大学毕业生认识社会现状,做出适合自己的正确选择,促进社会发展具有重要意义。
Abstract: China's civil service exam passed 20 years, the heat is higher and higher, but leave the civil servants are not few, civil servants "siege" phenomenon has become a common phenomenon in today's society, thus mapping out a lot of thought-provoking social problem. This article to our country to conduct a comprehensive overview of civil servants "siege" phenomenon, and make a preliminary analysis of the causes, on the basis of the theory of inquiry is to solve the social problems are also proposed. This for our graduates know social status quo, to make the right choice that suits his, promote social development is of great significance.
Key words: civil servants; siege; suggestion