关键词:发展历史 管理模式 原因
Abstract:The paper first discusses the value and significance of the development of private museums; Second, investigate and understand the history of the development of private museums, the Folk Museum in Beijing the number, type, size, geographical distribution and social effects play; Third, summarized in Beijingfolk Museum management and operation mode; Fourth, the main problems facing the Beijing folk Museum in the development process and the reasons behind; cause analysis put forward suggestions how to make the prosperity and development of the Beijing folk Museum.Through field survey of the private museums in Beijing, reveals the main reason for bottlenecks in the development of the current Beijing Folk Museum, and its proposed solutions, and has aroused public concern and efforts to preserve the existing private museums in Beijing and carry forward the traditional culture of Beijing.
Key Words: The development of the history of management mode bottleneck reasons
民办博物馆是国家博物馆队伍中一支不可忽视的重要成员之一,博物馆无论是政府的,企业的还是民间的,都是我们丰厚的民族文化和历史积淀的反映,我们都要一视同仁,不能厚此薄彼。民间的收藏者是十分艰辛的一群人,他们平时省吃俭用,却倾其所有用于民间文化传承,他们的行动看似个人的行为,其实不然,可以说他们是在无私地收藏并保护弘扬祖国的历史文化。 博物馆,展示的是历史文化,必须有强烈的境界意识,这并不在于馆舍是否高大宏伟,而是在于是否有鲜明的主题,在于是否从文物中阐释出有益于当代的鲜明思想。启迪参观者,满足观众深层次的需求,对社会产生实质性的影响,而民办博物馆由于创办者大都基于自身对民族文化的热爱,所以在这方面民间博物馆做的相对更加突出。通过文物艺术品的市场化、大众化,使民间收藏文物艺术品有效填充文博部门收藏的空隙,可以防止文物艺术品外流,是保护我国历史文化遗产,弘扬民族优秀文化的有效途径。同时,他们还以自己执著的文化视角,时刻关照着那些尚未被官方机构和学科人员注意到的新领域,博物馆是人类昨天的脚印、今天的镜子和明天的根基,是人们认识自己及其生存环境最好、最直观的百科全书。