关键词: 历史文化遗产;保护;开发;南海一号
Abstract:The historical and cultural heritage is an important part of the world heritage, and it is a non-renewable culture resources. The historical and cultural heritage has an important history, art and scientific value. Cultural heritage is history to our precious wealth. The protection of cultural heritage is to protect the truth and integrity. At the same time, the development of cultural heritage is to develop its unique value. The "South China Sea I" YangJiang "Marine silk road" is one representative where has the rich "Marine silk road" cultural heritage. It is unique characteristics. Facing so abundant human resources, success stories at home and abroad, and how to effectively protect the premise, through the scientific integration and constantly improve the grade, the proper moderate reasonable use, promote social economic and cultural undertakings in the tourism sustainable development.
Key Words: The historical and cultural heritage; protection; development; the South China Sea I