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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2013-12-27
  • 论文字数:18501
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 教育教学 > 现代教育技术 >
  • 课题来源:(小美)提供原创文章



关键词:幼儿学习;移动学习;手机游戏;Flash Lite


Abstract: The global population of mobile subscribers exceeded 5 billions and 3G users amounted more than 500 millions in July, 2010. By the end of 2009, the population of Chinese mobile netizens reached 230 millions with an annual growth of 120 millions. In consideration of the sudden increase of mobile subscribers and the huge market potential, it is imperative to make sufficient analysis on the educational games based on mobile phones. This paper tries to explore the criterions and methods of developing mobile games, in terms of children’s learning features, functions of games for children’s growth, mobile learning characteristics, and current situation of mobile games and so on. This paper analyzes the design idea of 'Zoo adventure' in details and makes innovative exploration on the game level, the combination of educational elements and the game, as well as the conduction of the game loop. It also summarizes the key technology and matters needing attention during the development. Finally, the paper draws a blueprint for the future development of educational mobile games.

Key words:Children’s learning; mobile learning; mobile games; Flash Lite


   本文以移动学习、教育游戏为研究背景,以幼儿学习特征、游戏与教学的关系为理论框架,首先论证了游戏的教育意义以及对幼儿成长的积极影响;随后,通过对目前手机用户飞速增长、手机游戏迅速发展的现状描述,来说明开发基于手机平台的教育游戏的必然性与趋势性。最后,利用Flash Lite平台设计开发一款有利于幼儿英语学习的教育游戏,笔者还总结了开发手机游戏的注意事项。
