摘要:摘要: VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network,虚拟局域网)是一种将局域网设备从逻辑上划分成一个个网段,从而实现虚拟工作组的新兴数据交换技术。这一新兴技术主要应用于交换机和路由器中,但主流应用还是在交换机之中。将局域网按照职能和需求划分为多个广播域,VLAN之间的广播报文相互不可达,实现VLAN间相互不影响。
DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ,动态主机分配协议)是一种简化主机IP地址分配管理的TCP/IP标准协议,用户可以利用DHCP服务管理实现动态的IP地址分配及其他相关环境配置工作(如DNS、WINS、Gateway的设置等),实现简化用户的操作复杂度。
关键字:虚拟局域网; 动态主机分配协议; 地址解析协议
Abstract:Abstract : VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)is a emerging data exchange technology to enable virtual work groups through dividing a logical LAN device into a network segment. The new technology is used in switch and router ,but most of them are used in switch . The LAN is divided into several broadcast domains , the broadcast message of the VLANS can not through each other . There is no influence between each VLAN .
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a kind of TCP/IP to simplify the administration of the IP address . The guest can use DHCP server to dynamic assigned the IP address and other configuration (for example DNS , WINS and Gateway ) , to simplify the complex degree of the guest .
Key words:VLAN; DHCP; NAT