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Abstract:As a common and particular group, backward students not only affect the children's own growth, but bring great pressure to families, schools and society. Especially primary students who are in an early stage, their emotion and values are not developed, so that they are more malleable. Therefore, it is significant to research the causes and strategies of primary backward students. 

   This papers generalize the backward pupils' causes from several aspects, such as their own physical and psychological quality, family, school, as well as the whole society environment. According to the causes' diversity and complexity, this papers puts forward some specific strategies to transform backward students. The teachers should full of love and give them praise as much as possible, so that the children can improve their self-confidence and study interest. Moreover, the cooperation of families, schools and society is also helpful and effective. Backward students can make great progress through these measures, achieve their change, then make a better future.   

KEYWORDS:Backward Students; Causes; Transform Strategies


 后进生的形成原因错综复杂,从而导致其特点也是千差万别,所以,转化后进生的工作不可能“一劳永逸”,它必定是长期且艰苦的。作为承担着转化后进生重任的教师们,应以真诚的态度爱护每一个孩子,并根据其身心发展的规律、结合他们的个性差异,利用科学的教育教学方法,以细致耐心的态度不厌其烦地引导他们。只要本着这样的一种宗旨, 我们就可以充分相信能顺利实现后进生的转化,使他们最终成为社会的有用人才!