【摘要】 数学思想方法是人们从具体教学内容中提炼出来的对数学知识的本质认识,是在研究和解决数学问题的过程中所采用的手段、途径和方式。化归思想是最基本、最常用的思想方法。当前对化归涵义、化归原则、化归策略的研究都有一定的理论深度,但关于化归思想在小学阶段的专门论述比较少。本文根据前人的研究成果,结合小学数学中的具体知识的教学,尝试给出化归思想在小学数学中的教学建议。
【关键词】 小学数学;化归思想;化归的原则;化归的途径;教学策略
Abstract: Mathematics thinking method is people’s basic realization to math learning that people refine from its concrete contents. Meanwhile, it is the ways, methods and means that people adopt in the process of the reseach and resolving math problem. The reduction thinking method is one of the most basic and commonly used thinking methods. At present our theory researches of the reduction definition, principles and ways have reached a new high, but we can see little discourses of reduction thought specific in primary school. According to the research results of the predecessors, this article mainly combined with teaching of detailed knowledge in primary school math, and tried to offer teaching advice about reduction thought in primary math.
Key words: primary school mathematics;reduction thought;reduction principle;reduction way;teaching strategy