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  • 更新时间:2013-10-28
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关键词 德育;道德情感;语文教学;渗透


Abstract:Moral emotion is accompanied by the emergence of the concept of moral cognition emotion, is the use of certain moral evaluation of their own and others' conduct or some things sometimes produce a subjective inner experience and attitude.Wealth of moral knowledge into good moral behavior requires profound moral sentiments as a catalyst.Cultivation of moral emotion, moral teaching through direct and indirect moral teaching, direct moral teaching (moral lessons, current affairs and political course ......) because many too abstract, from the student's life practice, it is difficult to achieve the desiredeffect; indirect moral education (class work, student work, social activities, teaching ......) Since the main way through moisten things silently student work, you can achieve good results, especially in the moral sentiments permeate teachingbeing cultured.Language is one of the strongest humanities disciplines in their teaching material and moral wealth of knowledge in his mouth, and thoughts and feelings.Strengthen the moral emotions in language teaching penetration of classroom teaching moral sentiments permeate explore indirect moral teaching, quality education is an important issue.In this thesis, three parts: Part I: Background discussed issues (macroscopic and microscopic background background), relevant research Institute for Research and Utilization of this method.Part II: the existing research results, based on a large number of theoretical foundation for the support, first of all moral education and moral definition of the concept of emotion, feelings of moral content, features and functionality (in Moral Education Function)other aspects of a more profound analysis and discussion, and the moral emotions in language teaching in junior high penetration of the importance and possibilities were analyzed.Part III: discusses the moral sentiments permeate language teaching in junior status, and the cause of the problem for a more comprehensive analysis, put forward some practical measures and recommendations, including: the creation of a harmonious society and cultureGood school moral education environment; establish a correct moral concepts, moral emotions in the moral importance of the role; update moral knowledge, moral optimization methods; the moral emotions in language teaching in the penetration of cultivation.Junior high school language teachers to help establish a correct moral concept, realizing the importance of culture and moral emotions, in order to develop appropriate strategies and implement reasonable measures to promote the cultivation of students' profound moral emotion.

Keywords  moral education   moral emotion   language teaching   penetration



   ①定性分析法:定性分析法是研究者对研究对象的本质进行理论分析。具体地说是运用分析与综合、归纳和演绎等方法,对获取的各种信息、资料进行加工,从而达到认识事物的本质,以揭示事物内在的规律的目的。本次研究采用定性分析法主要有以下两个目的:一是对德育及道德情感的本质进行理论上的分析;二是对道德情感在初中语文教学中渗透的必要性、可能性进行分析。    ②观察法:观察法是研究者通过直接观察或间接观察(通过身体的感官还是借助一定的科学仪器),有目的、有系统地考察、描述一定行为或社会现象来收集相关资料或信息的一种方法。本次研究采用观察法的目的是直观的了解初中语文教师在教学中渗透道德情感的情况以及初中学生的道德现状。
