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  • 更新时间:2013-09-01
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关键词: 纳西族地区;小学语文教学;民族英雄;精神;传承


Abstract:Nowdays,more people pay close attention to the developing of the students’konwledge or intelligence factor in the chinese teaching of the primary school in NaXi area,but it’s easy to make chinese course lose the thought、the feeling and the personality of the student under the tool rationality restricts society.chinese course is rich in humanities connotation,it play a key role in the spirituai domain,so chinese coures should become a platform to spread the spirit of the national hero,put it into the chinese teaching ,through the efforts of the main body ,cohere with the teaching material、the management mechanism,make it become the mainstream in the young generation.

Key words:NaXi area;chinese teaching;national hero;spirit;spread


   从古羌族演变至今,纳西民族不断发展壮大成为一个强大的民族群体,回顾千年文明历史,正是出现了像和贵华、和志宏等这样拥有伟大精神品质的英雄,才能让这片厚实的土地孕育出新的生命,创造出一个和谐健康的家园。新课程标准下的小学语文教育不只关注学生知识技能的培养,也关注学生健全人格的塑造。在纳西族地区小学语文教学中渗透且传承本民族英雄的优秀精神品质,需要学校教育的各主体及社会群体的共同努力,从教材、体制等各方面着手, 将本民族英雄的光荣事迹及优秀精神切实融入到小学语文教学中,使民族地区的小学语文教学具有民族元素及民族特色,同时促使学生形成良好的爱国意识和集体意识,培养其善良正义、勇敢坚毅等优秀精神品质,树立其正确的人生观、价值观及世界观!