【摘要】 本研究借鉴相关理论,按照理解别人(故事角色)行为的简单目的意图、认识事件的明显的前因后果的关系、被试观点的脱中心化、认识别人较复杂的目的意图四个方面,依据幼儿生活创编故事并进行问题设计。笔者选取所在实习单位的90名3-6岁幼儿运用故事提问的方法,了解被试在成人角色介入故事情境前后的观点采择能力。研究结果表明:幼儿在成人角色介入故事情境前后,对故事角色的观点采择水平不同,发展次序也不同;而性别差异是一致的,即小班男女幼儿对故事角色的观点采择能力差异不大,中班男幼儿对故事角色的观点采择能力高于女幼儿,大班女幼儿对故事角色的观点采择能力高于男幼儿。
【关键词】 故事角色; 观点采择能力
Abstract This study reference for the related theory, according to understand others (story role of behavior in simple purpose, know the causes and effects of the event of the relationship, obviously was trying to take off center, know the views of others more complex purpose of four aspects, according to children's life story creating and design problems. The author selected practice of the 90 units in 3-6 years old children using the method of story questions, to understand in the adult role in the story and see the ability to view the situation. The results of the study show that: the children in adult role in the story of the situation around, see the point of view of the role of the story of different level, development and different order; And gender difference is consistent, namely small classes of men and women of the role of children's story not see the point of view ability difference; male baby to see the point of view of the role of story ability than female children, big class female baby to see the point of view of the role of story ability than male infants.
Key words roles in story ; ability of perspective-taking