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2019年03月26日 更新 “中式论文”相关信息


“Chinglish refers to the awkward English used by Chinese English learners and users in English communication, which is not standard English and not conforms to the customs of English culture. Chinglish happens because people are interfered...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4394 | 上传日期:2014-09-07


Meanwhile, in recent years, with the policy of China's reform and opening up, the overseas exchange and propaganda has rapidly increased. Many English words have emerged in the fields of economy, society, politics, culture, and daily life....
分类:英语论文 | 字数:3624 | 上传日期:2014-07-12


Every translation is directed at intended audience, since to translate means “to produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances” (Vermeer 1987:29). In Holz-Manttari’s model, transl...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:5866 | 上传日期:2014-07-12


Hypotaxis and parataxis are two sorts of sentence-arranging and idea-conveying construction. Hypotaxis puts emphasis on the formal cohesion while parataxis puts stress on the semantic coherence. All in all, in English and Chinese, hypotaxis ...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:5877 | 上传日期:2014-07-06


The issues on both China English and Chinglish that researchers discuss are relevant to translation, cross-culture and foreign language teaching. Cross-culture are usually discussed when people try to explain how China English and Chinglish ...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4884 | 上传日期:2014-06-20


Chinglish is nonstandard English used by Chinese learners and employers who are interfered and influenced by their naïve language and apply mechanically the rules or idiomatic usage of Chinese in communication...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:3812 | 上传日期:2014-06-14


It requires the translators not only to accurately convey the meaning of the dishes, but also to have a clear understanding of cultural differences in order to adopt appropriate translation methods and techniques. It becomes a necessity to s...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:3805 | 上传日期:2014-06-14


Chinglish is a concept first put forward by Mr. Ge Chuangui in the early 1980s. It is a language with lots of Chinese characteristics which exists in the English learning process among Chinese learners. For instance, in English writing...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4211 | 上传日期:2014-06-01


分类:环境艺术 | 字数:6688 | 上传日期:2014-05-26


Against the background of the rapid development of socialist market economy and the join of World Trade Organization, China has much more communication with the world. English, as a means of communication tool, becomes really important to...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:7080 | 上传日期:2014-05-16


China English has been formed and developed due to cultural and historical exchanges between China and Western World as well as language translation. The history of English can well function as a proof to the existence of China English. Befo...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:5169 | 上传日期:2014-05-16


分类:经济论文 | 字数:11265 | 上传日期:2014-01-06


This article tries to do a system research on the basis of the results of previous research, and analyzes the appearance of Chinglish, explores the influence of negative language transfer from four perspectives (pronunciation, vocabulary, gr...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4491 | 上传日期:2013-12-31


分类:经济论文 | 字数:7804 | 上传日期:2013-12-23


分类:环境艺术 | 字数:6765 | 上传日期:2013-11-08


分类:环境艺术 | 字数:5525 | 上传日期:2013-11-08


Also this paper selects a group of newly-created English words created by netizens in China. These new words have an extrinsic feature of English, but if you want to understand the intrinsic meaning of them, you should judge by a specific Ch...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:11729 | 上传日期:2013-10-19


分类:环境艺术 | 字数:6277 | 上传日期:2013-09-30


分类:管理论文 | 字数:9431 | 上传日期:2013-09-22


As one of the significant criteria of carrying forward Chinese cuisine culture, the variety of Chinese menu has been increasing nowadays. With the globalization influencing our modern society, translation strategies play a vital role in prom...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:8760 | 上传日期:2013-09-20


English is widely used in the world now. Because of the different ways of thinking between different nations, different English variants come into being. In China, China English and Chinglish were born against this background. Both of them a...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:8211 | 上传日期:2013-09-20


This paper gives a clear description of the features of Chinglish by offering examples, and analyzes the causes of Chinglish from language customs and thinking patterns aspect. At the end of this paper, some advices are proposed to help Engl...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:8304 | 上传日期:2013-09-02