摘要: 本文采用蚕豆为试材,在室内砂培条件下,研究NAA对不同浓度铅胁迫下蚕豆生长发育中株高、鲜重、干重以及生长生理(叶绿素含量、根系活力、脯氨酸含量)和抗氧化系统中酶活性(SOD、POD)的变化规律。结果表明:随着铅浓度的升高,植株的生长受到抑制,株高和鲜重、干重下降,根系活力下降,植株叶片中的叶绿素含量和SOD活性下降,POD活性先上升后下降,细胞内严重缺水,脯氨酸含量大量增加。通过加入NAA后,对铅胁迫下的蚕豆起到不同程度的缓解作用,有利于植株的生长发育。但是NAA的缓解作用也是有一定限度的,超过一定的限度,缓解作用明显下降,本文研究表明,当铅胁迫浓度超过200mg/L,NAA的缓解作用明显降低。
Abstract: In this paper, the broad bean as test material, the indoor sand culture condition, study of NAA of different concentrations on growth and development of broad bean under Pb2+ stress in plant height, fresh weight, dry weight and growth physiology ( chlorophyll content, root activity, free proline content ) and antioxidant system enzymes ( SOD, POD ) variation. The results showed that: with the increase of the concentration of lead, inhibited the growth of plant, plant height and fresh weight, dry weight decreased, root activity decreased, leaf of chlorophyll content and SOD activity decreased, the activity of POD increased after the first drop, intracellular severe water shortage, the proline content increased. The accession to the NAA, on the broad bean under lead stress plays a different role in mitigation, is conducive to plant growth and development. But NAA's relief is limited, exceeds a certain limit, alleviate the effect decreased significantly, the study shows that, when the Pb2+ stress concentration more than 200mg/L, NAA mitigation effect was significantly decreased.
Keywords: broad bean; NAA;Pb2+; stress; enzyme activity