摘要:本实验以原种水稻WT和转PEPC基因水稻为材料,研究NaHSO3对转PEPC基因水稻光合生理特性的影响。测定了PEPC酶活性和叶绿素含量,外源饲喂低浓度的NaHSO3后转PEPC基因水稻叶片光合速率,ATP的变化,结果显示,转PEPC基因水稻PEPC酶活性和叶绿素含量比原种高, NaHSO3 处理后,可显著提高转PEPC基因水稻的光合速率和ATP含量,说明NaHSO3是转PEPC基因水稻光和生理过程的限制因素,为进一步构建类似C4水稻提供理论依据。
Abstract:With untransformed rice and PEPC transgenic rice as the materials, the activity of PEPC enzymes, chlorophyll contents, effect of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis Characteristic and ATP content of the PEPC gene rice were studied in this paper.The results showed that the activity of PEPC enzyme and chlorophyll contents in PEPC transgenic rice were higher than that in wild type , After treatment with NaHSO3 ,the photosynthetic rate and ATP content were significantly increased in the PEPC transgenic rice. This indicated that ATP is the key limited factor for constructing C4 like rice, providing a new technical approach to constructing C4 like rice.
Key words: PEPC gene rice, NaHSO3, photosynthesis rates.