摘要:目的:对常用传统中药百合的甾体皂苷类化学成分进行研究。方法:采用大孔、MCI、ODS反相、硅胶、Sephadex LH-20等柱层析方法进行分离,运用1H、13C-NMR等波谱手段进行化合物的结构鉴定。结果:分离并鉴定了2个化合物: brownioside (1);deacylbrownioside (2)。
Abstract: Objective:To investigate the steroidal saponins from Lilium brownii F.E. Brown var. viridulum Baker. Method:Column chromatographic techniques were employed for isolation and purification of constituents of the plant and the structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis. Result:Two compounds were isolated and identified as:browniosid(1); and deacylbrownioside (2).
Keywords:steroidal saponins; chemical constituents; structure identification; Lilium brownii F.E. Brown var. viridulum Baker