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摘 要: [目的] 在桑黄及冬虫夏草母种生产中,通常选用的培养基为大米培养基。此种方法的优点是方便、快捷,适宜大量生产。但对于大米培养基配方的筛选还未有相关研究。本文以桑黄及冬虫夏草为研究对象,制定不同的大米培养基配方,通过观察这两种真菌在大米中的长势确定最佳大米培养基组合,同时尽可能降低培养基成本。[方法]查阅文献,将桑黄及冬虫夏草在加入不同的营养元素的大米培养基中培养,观察长势及测定生长指标。[结果]桑黄在3号大米培养基,加入营养成分百分比为0.3%磷酸二氢钾,0.15%硫酸镁,葡萄糖2%长势旺盛,并且价格便宜,只需无机盐和少量葡萄糖,而冬虫夏草在4号大米培养基营养成分百分比为0.3%磷酸二氢钾,0.15%硫酸镁中生长。



Abstract: [Objective] In the production of Phellinus igniarius and Cordyceps sinensis , usually the medium is Rice medium .The advantage of the method is convenient,fast,suitable for mass production .But for the foemula of the rice medium screening has not been studied . This thesis take the Phellinus igniarius and Cordyceps sinensis as the object of study, formulate the different formulation of the rice medium. Through the growth of two fungus in the rice medium to determine the best culture medium composition .At the same time we reduce the cost of medium..[Method] Through reviewing literature,we add the Phellinus igniarius and Cordyceps sinensis into the rice medium witn different nutrition elements . Then observe the growth and determine growth Indexes  [Conclusion] Phellinus igniarius grows best in the Rice medium with nutrients contain 0.3% KH2PO4,0.15% MgSO4·7H2O,2%glucose . Cordyceps sinensis  grows best in the Rice medium with nutrients contain 0.3% KH2PO4,0.15% MgSO4·7H2O, in addition ,they are cheapest in the all medium .

Key words: Phellinus igniarius;Cordyceps sinensis ; Rice medium