摘 要:为了明确核桃脂肪氧化酶的最适反应温度、pH、酶学稳定性,采用单因素分析方法、紫外分光光度法测定核桃脂肪氧化酶的活性,对核桃脂肪氧化酶的酶学性质进行了初步研究。结果表明:核桃脂肪氧化酶最适反应体系为浓度0.10 mol/L pH值6.0的磷酸缓冲液;最适反应温度为40℃;最适酶液添加量为30μl;最适测定时间为1min。此外,酶液保存在4℃条件下,脂肪氧化酶的活性随时间的延长而逐渐下降。该研究为进一步探讨核桃脂肪氧化酶的生理功能奠定了基础。
Abstract:The research aimed to study the suitable measurement condition for walnut lipoxygenase activities. Spectrol photometric assay was used to measure the activity of walnut lipoxygenase. The results showed that the op- timal reaction systems concentration was 0. 10 mol/L pH value 6. 0,the optimal temperature was 40℃, the optimal added content of lipoxygenase solution was 30μl, the optimal reacting time was 1 minute. More over, when it was stored at 4 ℃, the activity of lipoxygenase was fallen with time. This study layed a good foundation for research on the physiological function of walnut lipoxygenase activity.
Key words Walnut;Lipoxygenase;Enzymes nature