摘 要:以中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)为研究对象,探讨芝芪菌质对中华绒螯蟹肌苷酸含量的影响。将中华绒螯蟹随机分成雌雄2组,每组2个平行,第1平行为对照组,常规投喂;另外1个平行为试验组,在基础日粮中添加0.5%芝芪菌质,饲养90d后,采用HPLC法测定其肌肉和性腺中肌苷酸的含量。试验表明,芝芪菌质能提高中华绒螯蟹肌苷酸含量。显示芝芪菌质对中华绒螯蟹风味起到改善作用。
Abstract: This paper is to research the effect of Zhiqi Fungal Substance on composition of inosine monophosphate in Eriocheir sinensis. Eriocheir sinensis were allotted into 2 groups randomly. The control group were fed with basal diet, the others were the treated groups fed with basal diet supplemented with 0.5% Zhiqi Fungal Substance for 90 days. Finally, Inosinic acid contents in the muscle and gonads of mitten crabs were determined by HPLC. The results showed Zhiqi Fungal Substance can imporve the contents of inosine monophosphate in Eriocheir sinensis.It is indicated that dietary Zhiqi Fungal Substance can improve the flavor of cultured shrimp.
Keywords: Zhiqi fungal substance; Eriocheir sinensis; meat quality; inosine monophosphate