[摘要] 本研究以393名大学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查法,探讨了大学生情感孤独的状况及其与依恋类型的关系,研究发现:(1)在校大学生的情感孤独在恋爱与否方面存在显著性差异。在性别、是否独生子女和城乡生源方面,二者都不存在显著差异。(2)大学生成人依恋类型在回避和焦虑两个维度上与情感孤独存在极其显著的正相关。(3)情感孤独在四种依恋类型上表现出极其显著差异。恐惧型、专注型和冷漠型的情感孤独都显著高于安全型。
关键词 大学生;孤独感;情感孤独;依恋类型;
Abstract:This study surveyed 393 college students, using questionnaire survey of university students with emotional loneliness and its attachment type of relationship, the study found: (1) obtained through the analysis of differences in test, college students feel lonely and in love or not there were significant differences. Gender, whether the child and rural and urban students, the difference between the two but even though there was significant. (2) Collage students’ adult attachment styles and emotional loneliness are extremely positively remarkable related in two dimensionality of avoidance and anxiety. (3) four attachment style differences in emotional loneliness are extremely significant. Fearful emotional loneliness, focus type and cold type of emotional loneliness were significantly higher than safe.
Key words: Students; loneliness; emotional loneliness; attachment type;