[摘要] 本研究采用自尊量表(SES)和家庭环境量表中文版(FES-CV),考察了586名高等职业技术学院学生的自尊水平和家庭环境的现状及其关系。结果表明:(1)高职生自尊水平在性别、生源地、年级等方面不存在显著差异;在独生子女与否方面存在显著差异;(2)高职生的家庭环境与中国常模存在着一定的差异与相同点;(3)高职自尊水平与家庭环境个维度上呈现相关;(4)家庭环境各个维度对自尊有着一定的预测作用。
[关键字] 高职生;自尊;家庭环境
[Abstract]In this thesis, socio-economic status (SES) and the family environment scale Chinese version (FES-CV), which have been used to investigate 586 Vocational and Technical College students ' self-esteem level and current situation of their family environment and relations. The results showed that:(1) The self-esteem level of higher vocational college students do not have significant differences in gender, home address, grade and etc; but exist a great difference between in whether the family is a single children or not. (2) Higher vocational college students' family environment and Chinese normal families exist certain differences and similarities. (3) Higher vocational level of self-esteem and family environment have related dimensions at present. (4) Family environment of self-esteem dimensions have the certain prediction function.
[key words] higher vocational school students;self-esteem;family environment