关键词:STC12C5410AD单片机 测距 酒精检测 GSM防盗
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of automobile gradually become one of the main means of transport, bring convenience to people at the same time, the process of driving safety issues have gradually become the focus of attention, such as car theft, vehicle accidents, etc. problems are gradually exposed. For traffic accidents in a typical traffic safety, vehicle theft and anti-drunk driving problem, the subject was designed based on the traffic control technology STC12C5410AD single secondary safety controller. Program combines high-precision ultrasonic ranging, GSM SMS Burglar, alcohol and other common self and voice alarm function and technology, make up the traditional automotive auxiliary safety controller functionality unity and cost is not high shortcomings. Realization of the program to a certain extent, to prevent drunk driving, speeding and fatigue driving, thereby enhancing the performance of automobile traffic safety, protect personal and property safety, while indirectly reduce road congestion due to traffic accidents, to ensure social harmony and stability.
Keywords:STC12C5410AD MCU;Measure the distance;Alcohol testing;GSM burglar