[关键词]主持人大赛; 创新赛事; 科学选拔; 分析
[Abstract]Since it was launched in 1988, CCTV television host contest has been through for 24 years.The competitions in last 24 years gave many normal people who have a dream to become a host a chance to show themselves using various new ways of competitions, and showed support towards television career in our country.
This essay uses examples from fourth to sixth competition, analyses and explains four changes in ways of enrolling in the competition, schedule settings,list of rater and comprehensive evaluation,and give out some useful ideas. The purpose is to make ways of selecting hosts to be more reasonable,to make the program more interesting and provide a point of view in visualization research, and to gather more experience in further competitions.
[Key words] CCTV television host contest; Innovative competition; Scientific selection; Analysis