摘要:目的,分析当今小学高年级学生父母教养方式的类型及其特点,以期能为有不良教养方式的为人父母者改善其不良的教养方式提供参考,并能促进小学生健康快乐地成长。方法:采用家庭父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对泸西县农村地区四所小学的310名五、六年级的小学生进行分层整群抽样调查。结果:农村地区小学高年级学生的父母教养方式受孩子的性别及父母自身的文化程度影响。结论: 1.农村地区小学高年级学生的父母仍沿袭严父慈母的传统教养模式;2.父亲和母亲的教养方式在程度上存在显著差异,说明父母教养方式的程度不一致; 3.不同的性别对于农村地区小学高年级学生的父母教养方式有极大的影响,可能说明农村地区中大部分父母仍存在封建传统的重男轻女思想; 4.不同的民族对于父母的教养方式没有多大影响,只有部分少数民族的母亲对孩子比较严厉; 5.农村地区父母的文化程度对孩子的教养方式有极大的影响。
Abstract:The types and characteristics of anglicizing the current elementary students 'parents teaching, providing referent of improving the poor upbringing, promoting elementary school students to grow healthily and happily. Method: Using the parents teaching evaluation scale (EMBU) to the stratified cluster sampling survey 310 students of the five, six graders, four rural elementary schools of the Luxi. Results: Parents teaching of students of the elementary school high graders in the rural areas by the sex of a child and the parents of its own cultural influences. Conclusions: 1. Rural areas the elementary school higher grades students' parents still following traditional education model at the feet of stern fatrher;2.Fathers and mothers in the degree of upbringing significant differences, the parents teaching isn't consistent;3. Different gender for rural elementary students' parents teaching has great influence, may suggest that most parents in rural areas still has the thought of the feudal traditional boys; 4.Different nations to parents' upbringing not how old influence, only some of the mothers of minority children more scathing; 5.Rural areas of the parents of the children degree of cultural upbringing has greater influence.
Keywords: Rural areas; Students of the elementary schools high grades; Parents teaching