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2019年03月25日 更新 “语篇论文”相关信息


In this paper, the author holds the belief that MT can become human beings’ good partner in saving time and energy as long as it is properly applied in the field of journalistic texts’ translation. As a matter of fact,MT can produce ou...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4492 | 上传日期:2015-01-26


Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication, and it has various functions. According to Halliday’s systematic-functional grammar, language has three functions: ideational function, interpersonal function an...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4111 | 上传日期:2014-12-06


分类:文学论文 | 字数:10572 | 上传日期:2014-10-09


Firstly, we will review the concepts of discourse and discourse coherence, and see what scholars have done on this subject. Then, a brief introduction to the emergence and development of cognitive linguistics, as well as the cognitive view o...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:7435 | 上传日期:2014-09-17


He advocates that Chinese reporters should learn to use direct quotations in their reporting. However, theirs researches are still not comprehensive. Therefore, in this essay, we will mainly study the pragmatic functions of quotation in Engl...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4424 | 上传日期:2014-09-14


In this way, English news can be conveyed in more valid way. Meanwhile, with the study of the discourse function of tense in some particular news, the language learners, especially second language learners, can understand English news by mas...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:5083 | 上传日期:2014-09-07


分类:文学论文 | 字数:6719 | 上传日期:2014-09-01


China, the biggest developing country in the world, has become an important member of the international affairs since its reform and opening-up. On the one hand, it is natural for China to arouse international concern which is shown by an in...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:5970 | 上传日期:2014-07-21


Furthermore, nowadays news report has permeated to our daily life. News, because of its typical features, conveys different kinds of information to all the people all around the world and plays an important role of communication....
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4811 | 上传日期:2014-07-21


The comparison is based on the analysis of two sample news texts: one Chinese and one English. These two texts are matched by their topics. The present paper will discuss the theoretical background and methodological framework of this study....
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4986 | 上传日期:2014-07-21


Throughout the ages, metaphor has always been the concern of scholars around the world. The academic world holds that metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cognitive style Metaphor does not only exists in literary styles...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:5995 | 上传日期:2014-07-12


The concept“Intertextuality”was originated by Julia Kristeva in the 1960s’. In the background of Post-structuralism literature theory she gave birth to the concept by reconstructing creatively the text-dialogue theory which was created...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4323 | 上传日期:2014-06-01


分类:小学教育 | 字数:10300 | 上传日期:2014-03-06


Durch praktische Überlegungen am Beispiel des Übersetzens von Ausschnitten aus dem sachlichen Text Die Kraft der Intuition wird sich die Arbeit mit der Besonderheit und Funktion der Äquivalenztheorien, und aus diesem Aspekt mit Übersetzu...
分类:德语论文 | 字数:10458 | 上传日期:2014-01-23


Die Zuhörer fassen nur einige Wörter oder greifen die wichtige Informationen nicht. Dann können sie den Text nicht verstehen und die Höraufgaben natürlich nicht fertig machen. Alle diese Faktoren führt die Zuhörer zur Hörschwierigkei...
分类:德语论文 | 字数:6522 | 上传日期:2014-01-23


分类:英语教学 | 字数:14505 | 上传日期:2014-01-23


In this study, we first collected the various types of advertising discourse, then we observed, compared situation concerning conversational implicature of the ellipsis in advertising discourse, and carried out our researches on the chosen s...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:7954 | 上传日期:2013-09-19


This article first reviews the theory of context, the relation between context and discourse, and then analyzes Obama's inaugural address. Through this study, features of Obama’s inaugural address could be recognized: religious feature has...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:7099 | 上传日期:2013-09-09