Abstract:As the Internet technology and modern communication technology of rapid development,the human society has entered into the knowledge economy era and the information age.Contemporary college students are the higher groups that who have the mobile phones ,and they have strong initiative and capability.This topic uses the theory,and uses contemporary college students this particular group as objects,mainly through the questionnaire survey way, to investigate and analysis the contemporary university students' learning situation of mobile devices.To understand the current college students' learning of knowledge and mobile phone applications.According to the data collecting and sorting suggests,present contemporary college students that they mostly have support attitude to the learning which based on the mobile phone.Learning based on the mobile phone compared with traditional education study has superiority. Meanwhile at the present stage of computer technology and mobile communications technology background,learning based on the mobile phone still exists some disadvantages.Hope that through this topic research can deeper and promote the link between teaching and learning, promoting students' better learning, promote the students and teachers, students and students that the knowledge exchange and sharing .
Keywords:Mobile Learning,College Students