摘要:近年来,移动技术已经成为信息产业中最热门的话题,各种各样的移动数字设备已悄悄地充斥了我们的生活,我们的学习方式也因此而受到影响。移动学习(M-Learning)成为继数字化学习之后出现的新的学习模式,特点是实现“Anyone、Anytime、Anywhere、Any style”(4A)下进行自由的学习。基于手机的移动学习就是利用手机移动通讯设备来进行随时随地随意的学习,其学习不受时间,空间和地域的限制。本研究采用了问卷调查法和访谈法, 较全面地了解在校大学生对利用手机移动学习方式来学习英语的认识,介绍现在大学生利用手机学习英语的方式,以及制约大学生利用手机来学习英语的的相关因素。
关键词:手机 移动学习 英语学习
Abstract:In recent years, mobile technology has become the most popular topic of the information industry. all kinds of mobile digital equipment has quietly are part of our life , and influence our ways of learning. Mobile Learning(M-Learning) is a new Learning mode which appears after the digital Learning.the characteristic is to realize "Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime,Any style" (4A) free of Learning. The mobile phone learning is based on the use of their mobile devices,which is used anytime,anywhere, without time and space restrictions. This study adopts questionnaire and interview method, introduce the knowledge of college students using their mobile phone to learn English, the mobile phone learning way of learning English,and the related factors of restricting students using cell phones to learn English.
Keywords: mobile phone mobile learning English learning