摘 要:亲社会行为是人与人之间发展和维持和谐关系的重要基础,也是个体社会化的重要方面,对个体心理健康的成长有积极和深远的影响,亲社会行为的培养是小学生品德教育的重要方面,对小学生身心发展、人际交往、人格意义重大,本文对小学生亲社会行为的现状及亲社会行为发展特点做出分析,并对小学生的亲社会行为的独特性做出解释,然后从注重家庭培养、加强学校教育、发挥社会文化和大众传媒作用三个方面,对小学生的亲社会行为的培养提出相应的措施,旨在培养和发扬小学生良好的亲社会行为,减少攻击等不良行为带来的后果。
关键词:小学生;亲社会行为; 现状 ;培养途径
ABSTRACT:Pro-social behavior is an important basis for the development and maintenance of a harmonious relationship among people, but also an important aspect of individual socialization, which has positive and far-reaching effects on the mental health of the individual growth. Cultivating pro-social behavior is an important aspect of moral education of pupils, pupils' physical and mental development, interpersonal communication, personality of great significance. This paper makes analysis on the current situation of Primary School Students Pro-social Behavior and pro-social behavior characteristics, and explains the uniqueness on children's pro-social behavior, and then by focusing on the development of family, the school education, the social culture and the effect of mass media. These three aspects aim at putting forward the corresponding measures on children's pro-social behavior cultivation, training and developing students' good pro-social behaviors, reducing the consequences of bad behavior such as attacks.
Keywords: pupils; pro-social behavior; status; training ways